About me

A huge part of my life is videography. Ever since I was younger, I've always had some sort of video camera in my hand! I started out by making YouTube montage videos about fun vacations or events, and then I moved into making vlogs. Now I do a mix of both using Instagram Reels. I chose my major because I love the strategic ways that we can use technology to communicate with the public, and I want to do that in my future job. Another great fact that everyone should know about me is I am an identical twin!

Why I chose IU Indianapolis

When choosing IU Indianapolis, I was looking for a school to transfer to. I chose IUI because it was closer to home and an easy place to transfer to. IUI made the transfer process so easy! Another reason I transferred to IUI was because I loved the liberal arts school on campus. It has many different classes we can take to get our degree. I have also always wanted to live in the city, and IUI has given me the best city life experience!